vrijdag 18 februari 2011

Bringing Barcelona back on its feet

Barcelona is worshipped for playing the best football of the world by almost everybody. They win the prices, they get the credits. Any itself respecting sport journalist turns into excitement when the ball is rolling in Camp Nou: let the gallery play start! Superlatives, heroic legendary terms are all mentioned in relation to Barcelona. It somehow seems a sort of religious devotion that the sport press express towards FC Barcelona.

That they can actually play, they showed against Arsenal last Wednesday. For someone who is used to the polder competition of Holland it was pure enjoyment. But I could not help but cheering for the win of Arsenal. Always, when some club is worshipped as a rather divine institution, while it also contains some very nasty players (kicking out and giving head butts are the favorite hobbies of Messi), is naturally making me a supporter of any team that will play against them and might temper these exaggerated views on Barcelona (some loving for the underdog I guess).

And now it was the beautiful Arsenal. The team who played like the most gorgeous football for a couple of years now, but unluckily enough never wins any significant price. I could nothing than support them and be happy with the result. Sorry, godsons of Catalonia.  

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